Program Overview
The Australia-Indonesia Partnership in Disaster Risk Management (SIAP SIAGA) is a five-year program (2019-2024) funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and implemented in cooperation with the Government of Indonesia. The program aims at improving Indonesia’s ability to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters and strengthen cooperation between Australia and Indonesia in humanitarian issues in the region. The Program is implemented at the national and sub-national levels though collaboration with the National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB), the Ministry of Home Affairs, the National Development Planning Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Local Disaster Management Agencies and other national and local government institutions, civil society organisations and multilateral agencies.
SIAP SIAGA program in 2022 is focused on six priority programs, i.e., (1) enhancement of disaster management system, (2) enhancement of disaster management strategy, (3) mapping and evaluation of disaster risks, (4) enhancement of data service, information management, and communication in disaster management, (5) enhancement and development of policies and regulations for disaster preparedness, and (6) international cooperation in disaster management. The program also has a significant focus on understanding and improving the intensity and quality of gender and inclusion mainstreaming in disaster management. At the sub-national level, the program operates across several provinces in Indonesia, particularly East Java Province, Bali Province, West Nusa Tenggara Province, and East Nusa Tenggara Province, with several target districts and cities in each province.
As part of the effort to build the country's resilience to disasters, the Government of Indonesia has endeavoured to increase disaster literacy of the people, particularly those living in highly hazard-prone areas, and the local government. Disaster literacy is understood as something that is not limited to understanding data and information about disaster, but more of functional literacy in mastering functions and skills in disaster management and risk reduction. Thus, it also includes the skills in understanding disaster data, information, disaster risk maps, disaster early warning system, warning messages, evacuation routes, search and rescue equipment, as well as the skills in preparing disaster safe houses, surviving a disaster event and recovering after disaster. In improving disaster literacy, attention needs to be paid to not only the collection of Facts, Data (structured facts), and Information (processed data), but also how to transform these into Knowledge (organized information) that is dynamic based on interaction with experiences, and further transform them into Wisdom, which is knowledge that can be readily applied in everyday context. In other words, efforts need to be made to transform Knowledge into Attitude and then into Practice (KAP).
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR 2015b, p. 9) points to the importance of promoting ‘‘the collection, analysis, management, and use of relevant data and practical information’’ at national and local levels, as well as to ‘‘ensure its dissemination, taking into account the needs of different categories of users’’. It is unfortunate that disaster literacy in Indonesia currently still lacks the alignment between the literacy demands of existing materials and the literacy skills of many vulnerable groups. This has limited the ability of vulnerable groups in high-risk areas to understand and effectively use potentially life-saving information, equipment, and techniques. Further, many activities related to disaster literacy in the country is still limited to collecting facts, data and information and putting them into repository without any conscious effort to transform them into knowledge and then attitude, practice and wisdom that will help the communities to prepare for and survive from disaster.
To enhance further disaster literacy in Indonesia, there is a need to develop a strategy for developing and implementing disaster literacy programs and activities. Such a strategy will not only stop in collecting and managing disaster-related facts, data and information, but also transforming them into knowledge, attitude and practice/wisdom. This strategy will benefit the people living in hazard-prone areas in that they will receive disaster-related knowledge and skills that are appropriate to their needs. It will also benefit Local Disaster Management Agencies and NGOs working in disaster management that will have upgraded ability and capacity to read, understand, and use disaster-related information to make informed decisions and make coordinated actions in the context of mitigating, preparing, responding, and recovering from a disaster event.
Need for the Consultancy Service
To undertake the Promotion of Disaster Literacy initiative, a vendor competent in the relevant subject will be contracted by SIAP SIAGA to support the Government of Indonesia (BNPB) in conducting the study and piloting as well as the other related activities. The focal point within the Government of Indonesia is the Directorate of Disaster Management Strategy of BNPB, in line with its tasks and functions as outlined in BNPB Regulation Number 8 Year 2020. The selected vendor will have to conduct a study for developing the literacy strategy that will be followed by a pilot testing in one of the target districts of the project.
Under the supervision of the Senior Disaster Management Advisor and the leadership and guidance of the National Program Lead and the Director of Disaster Management Strategy of BNPB, the selected vendor will undertake the following tasks:
· Support BNPB in reviewing all the existing disaster literacy methodologies, techniques and practices that may be used in the development of the literacy strategy
· Study the existing regulatory framework, analysing regulations that support and those that may potentially hinder the implementation of disaster literacy strategy
· Work with BNPB, particularly the Centre for Disaster Data, Information and Communication (Pusdatinkom), the Training Centre (Pusdiklat PB) and the relevant stakeholders in developing disaster literacy strategy that will be appropriate to the Indonesian context
· Facilitate online and offline workshops and key informant interviews to obtain inputs and recommendations from the different ministries, agencies, local governments and other relevant stakeholders
· Conduct public consultation to refine and finalize the strategy
· Organize a pilot testing of the strategy in the form of an expeditionary visits to communities living in disaster-prone areas, for instance, communities living near volcanoes or coastal areas that are prone to tsunami and coastal inundation in one of SIAP SIAGA’s target district
· Provide bi-weekly reports to the SIAP SIAGA National Lead and Team Leader on the progress of the works being done
· Other duties as agreed with the SIAP SIAGA National Program Lead.
The vendor shall have personnel designated to possess:
· Doctoral and master’s degree in natural sciences, disaster management, public communication and relevant fields of study as part of the core team
· The proposed personnel have at least five years of experience working in the field of disaster literacy, public communication and education
· Experience working with government and non-government stakeholders
· Experience working with BNPB and/or BPBD will be an advantage
· Demonstrated ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, and a professional commitment to promote a culture of gender equality and social inclusion
· Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia (written and spoken) and a fair mastery of English language
· The proposal submitted has to contain the methodology, approach to the assignment, steps that will be undertaken, timeline and proposed budget.
Input and location
It is anticipated that the total input will take up 4 calendar months, from mid-August to 15 December 2022. Work will be a combination of home-based and BNPB office in Jakarta and will include travels to the target district.
Key Relationships
· Reports to the National Program Lead
· Coordinates closely with Officials from BNPB, other relevant ministries and the local governments of the target Province and District
· Liaises with the Senior DRM Advisor, Team Leader and other SIAP SIAGA team members as required
Closing Date: Tuesday; 16 August 2022; 17:00 (UTC+07:00)
Contact Person: rahmidiarti@thepalladiumgroup.
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