Invitation to tender – RFP No. 83417936
Project No /Name : 18.0128.1-007.00 / GIZ- SASCI +
Brief project title : Sustainability Spatial Planning in Kapuas Hulu.
Country : Indonesia
As a federal enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. On behalf of the German Government, GIZ currently provides advisory services to the Government of Republic Indonesia since 1975. For further information, please visit
The global program “Sustainability and Value Added in Agricultural Supply Chains” is part of the special initiative “ONE WORLD – No Hunger” (SEWOH). On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the program promotes the sustainability of selected agricultural supply chains in partner countries.
To address these challenges the program implements the project “Sustainability and Value Added in Agricultural Supply Chains in Indonesia” (SASCI+). SASCI+ focuses on natural rubber, palm oil, cocoa, and coffee in two biosphere reserves in West Kalimantan (Kapuas Hulu) and Central Sulawesi (Lore Lindu).
GIZ SASCI+ project is currently seeking a Contractor/Company to conduct a Development of Action Plan for accelerated oil palm certification. The details service are set forth in the Terms of Reference.
Please follow the link below for downloading the tender packs document:
Bidding Opportunities: GIZ Indonesia
The tender documents consists of;
1. Term of Reference
2. Technical Assessment Grid
3. Price Schedule Form
4. Bidding’s Questions and Answer
5. General Terms & Conditions of Contract
6. Tender process timeframe
Should you be interested in participating in this tender, please submit the proposal to ID_QUOTATIONat the latest by Friday, 09.09.2022. Any proposal arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
If you have any further questions in this respect, please send an email to and cc to within the period 24.08.2022 – 08.09.2022. The queries will be answered by E-mail, both queries and answers will be forwarded to all companies involved in the bidding process.
Thank you very much for your kind attention. Kindly looking forward to hearing from you.
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